Core Beliefs
- We ‘Love the Lord our God with all our hearts and with all our souls and with all our minds and with all our strength,’ and we, ‘Love our neighbours as ourselves’.
- We want to see God’s Kingdom come in Whiteinch, in Glasgow, in Scotland and in all the Earth!
- We are Christ-centred, where Jesus is Saviour, Lord and God.
- We are orthodox and traditional in our theology, holding to the truths of the Apostles and Nicene Creeds
- We believe, teach and respond to the Bible, as the inspired Word of God.
- We believe in the importance, the power and the practice of prayer.
- We believe in and practise Biblical discipleship for all believers.
- We move in the power of the Holy Spirit and we encourage, discover, display and use the fruit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
- We work for and with God as He brings people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
- We have freedom to worship God – in spirit and in truth.
- We are committed to living our lives together in community.
- We seek to follow the Bible’s teaching on tithes and offerings personally and as a Church.
- We are a Priesthood of believers, all of equal worth and value – not clergy-centred.
- We affirm that the Church’s leadership is accountable to the whole fellowship, always recognising that decisions must be in accordance with the Bible’s teaching.
- We expect and encourage our leaders to live increasingly holy lives.
- We seek reconciliation and unity in the Body of Christ, but recognise that sometimes hard things need to be said and done for the sake of personal and Church discipline.
- We are committed to Whiteinch long term.
- We aim to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our community, in accordance with God’s will
- We seek to bless all those we contact.
- We are people-orientated not building-orientated.